Thursday, 8 June 2017


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    "So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you; a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him." John.13:12-16.
   The above scripture will set a compass for this article, while I will also like to explore the first 12 verses of the chapter of this text to aid more clarity.
The word 'Great Commission' is one of the most commonly used slogan in the Christian community, and unfortunately has been the most grossly misconceived, misapplied, misinterpreted, and more importantly abused grave obligation of the sacred institution even among the Christian elites. While I may not have an established or definite definition of the subject, it is imperative I suggest one or two key words that would define the sacred call.

   The Great Commission is the sole responsibility of Christians who have attained to the calling, which requires great commitment, consecration, perseverance, and self denial to bring up the unbelievers to the full stature, nature, and likeness of Christ.
One of the mistakes we usually make when approaching this subject is to assume that every church goers and workers are part of the list in this royal call, yet, I wouldn't rule that out in its totality, because it takes a follower to be a leader, and a disciple to be an apostle. Nevertheless it is consequential to note that the disciples of Jesus could not obtained this calling until they have laid aside every entanglement and distractions that could obstruct them from paying full attention to the experience Jesus needed to take them through and tarried with Him until the time of His departure.

   Jesus had more than 12 disciples, He had another 40s, 70s, and the 120s, but only the twelve were commissioned for the great mandate, because, they were the ones that could survive the thick and thins of the journey with Him and endure His seeming hard doctrine.
The experience they had with Jesus is not only what is important to this noble assignment, but couple with that is their ability to wait for the parting word of authority from the mouth of Jesus that eventually set them on course. Many people started the journey with Jesus, but only the twelve He sent saying, "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." John. 13:15; Matthew.28:19-20.

   This scenario has a note of warning to pass across to us, irrespective of vocation and field of profession, it is advisable to exercise patience with our leaders and always ensure their words of release or prayers before we part way with them, except strictly on divine instruction. It is not limited to spiritual offices alone, it applies to the secular too. The end of a matter is better than the beginning thereof.
Besides, like the Lord asked me many years ago saying, "Gabriel! How far can you go with Me?" I asked for His sufficient grace on that day, and He's loading me with the same on daily basis. Permit me to ask similar question from you, how far can you go with Jesus to earn His approval on your Christianity and service in His kingdom?
Apostle Paul in one of his epistles to the Romans' church justified the above subject matter, saying, "How then shall they call on Him they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent...? Romans.10:14-15.

   Following the above admonition from Paul, it clearly spelt out that the matter of who send you on an assignment is as important as the assignment itself, and it would be a question we are going to answer in response to our calling and ministries before the judgement seat of Christ on the last day. That is why the Bible says, many would come on that day saying, Lord! In your name we preach on our streets, cast out demons, heal the sick, and wrought miracles and signs, but the Lord will answer them: depart from me for I knew you not, oh ye of unauthorized work.
I challenge you at this junction, if the question of who commissioned you for the work you're taking up in the body of Christ is not yet answered, it is better you cry to God for the the needed direction to the appropriate authorities within His fold where your labor can gain relevance with the purpose of God and be rewarding. The qualification for God's service is not primarily skills, abilities and head knowledge, that would render you an hypocrite, the word from the mouth of God confirmed by His faithful ministers is the primary prerequisite to approaching the service of the Lord. The Bible says, take words along with you...

   Notwithstanding, that is not my major focus in this study, but it is expedient that I set a background or platform for the subject I am justifying here.
What exactly is this great commission Jesus passed the Barton to us? How did He do it, and how does He expect us to do it as well? I have told you earlier the class of people God expect in this office.
I think I have long lost in the love of Jesus that the word of God is just finding me out and clearing the ground before me and paddling the path for me. The joy that usually perforate my heart is when I see the relevance of my life in the light of God's word, irrespective of how seeming unclear or mysterious some events may look like.

   Looking at verse.3 of the chapter I am expatiating, there are some illustrations Jesus made that are symbolic to His personal life. The Bible says, Jesus having met all the terms and conditions for the scriptures to be fulfilled, and all authorities in heaven and on earth had been brought under His subjection, He did something symbolic and later commanded His disciples to do likewise, He rose from supper, laid aside His garments, took up a towel and girded Himself (Vs.4). What Jesus did here was a summary of what He came to fulfill on earth. He striped Himself off His glory and royal throne in heaven and came to the world to cleanse us from sin and entanglement of eternal death through His word, his blood, death and resurrection in order to draw many children to Himself in glory for a continual feasting. He came to show us the standard and lifestyle of heaven for us to be able to afford the place, not just in theoretical intuition or mere tongue talking, but in absolute demonstration and practice.

   Jesus has nothing to do with salvation, sanctification, and holiness, He is all personified, but in order for human race to regain the hope of eternal life that has once dashed out and be privileged to reign with Him in glory, He left His throne in heaven and came to the world. Earth is not the habitable place of His nature, personality and being, but in order to save human race, He adapted Himself to the world of sin and iniquity. He deliberately surrendered Himself to suffer shame and reproach from men so that His mission could be accomplished, not because He couldn't defend Himself, but shunned self-defense.
The garments Jesus laid aside and the towel He girded Himself with have their significance to this illustration; no responsible mother will put on her occasional and precious attire to the bathroom when she want to bath for her children, she will rather put on a casual wear or better still be in towel, otherwise, she may get wet and even dirty at the same time. But what on earth is the pride if a woman ostentatiously and gorgeously set out for a party and all her children are playing aimlessly and cowardly around in filthy garment and stinking body odor, it would bring a shame to her and render her abuser of those God's heritage. But come to think of it, if after all of them are clean up, dressed well and all together set Out for a feast, how beautiful and enviable it would be? It would add honor and prestige to the woman.

   In the same vein, what is the pride and occasion of boasting if after you have been saved and escaped from the corruption that is in the world through lust, you despise your family, friends, relatives, and neighbors from getting to know the love of Jesus? It is no more worthwhile!
That reminds me of a revelation the Lord revealed to me many years ago while rounding off my one year national youth service, I used to refer to that year because it was full of encounter with Jesus. It was a year I can't forget in my life, because the Lord used it to sharpen my spiritual life, and prepare me for a time like this. I saw myself outside in the open bathing for all my siblings. I bathed for all of them before I woke up. I couldn't by any means fix the meaning of the disturbing revelation on that day until later, but I remember quite clear that prior to this revelation I narrated above, I first saw one. I saw my grand father who was a Muslim before he died, he gave me a very long big family bread and told me repeatedly to give all the family to eat from it. I began to question him, "Papa, did you make it to heaven? You mean you are among the cloud of witnesses at the grand stand in heaven? So you eventually gave your life to Jesus before you died?" He answered yes to all my questions before I woke up.

   The joy that filled my heart when I woke up was quite inexplicable. Of course my daddy labored so much on my grandpa for the salvation of his soul before he died but I never imagine it could be as possible as that, because of his position in the society, being one of the chief of his community and a down to earth religious observer. I think there are people we would be surprised to meet in heaven. I pray we shall all be there in Jesus name.

   Another thing I want you to note is the part of the body Jesus concentrated His washing and cleaning gesture upon in verse.5.-the feet. The feet is the part of the body that is most acquainted to dirt because is very close to the earth's dust. If you want to take a casual walk out or perhaps go on errands before you take a bath, the obvious part of the body we ensure to be clean is the feet. That is where people can quickly notice whether we are clean or not.
Jesus concentrated His message and ministry on the twelve disciples who would later wear the gospel shoe and propagate His kingdom gospel to the world. He knew they are the center of attraction and the determinant of the condition of the body of Christ whether it is clean or not. They are easily observable and are close to men mouth to rubbish if otherwise. Other members may not be easily recognized in case of any impurities, but as for these ones, they are also a target for the devil to try and tempt all the time. This is another warning signal to all our ministers, they have to be careful and be washed at all times. Besides, church needs to invest more time on the workers in thorough discipleship than ordinary members and crowd if the gate of Hell and Hades will not prevail against her.

   Subsequently, all of the twelve sat down and the king of glory stood up and stoop to wash their feet. What an extreme humility and sacrifice! He came down to earth from His Shekinah glory in heaven, and even born as a king with all the features accompanied, but did not take to those attributes for His mission to be accomplished.
Having ensured they were all washed and clean, Jesus took up the garments He once pulled off, resumed to His sit and gave them a charge to do likewise for others. This is the great commission-to take the water and soap of the word of God to our community as many as will be obedient to our message, regardless of what it would cost us, until they are drawn to the foot of the cross for the same washing.
Jesus did not argue with Peter when he first rejected His washing, but He told him firmly in verse.8, "if I do not wash you, you have no part with Me." Very simple! Whoever do not accept the gospel of Jesus Christ you present to him/her has rejected Christ and would not have part with Him in His eternal glorious kingdom.

  Beloved, Jesus pulled off the garments of His reputation, personality, and glorious attributes and become ordinary man to reach forth to us that have been left without hope, and restore a brand new hope unto us, how do you intend to fulfill the same mission when you are full of yourself? How exactly do you want to fulfill this golden commission when you always want to wear your title, official status and academic-worth; when you always demand for a special treatment and honorarium before you can attend any ministerial appointments? A servant is not greater than his master, neither is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If our Lord stood from His royal throne in heaven where the seven Cherubim who are dreadful in appearance stand before His throne, and the twenty four elders sit around the same worshiping and reverencing His holy name, could stoop so low to come to the world and serve humanity, facing all manners of insults, you can't sit down in the palace of your cathedral and arrayed in your regalia of past glory, position and men applaud to achieve the same result. Many are the ground to still cover and souls in the horrible pit of hell to rescue.

   Countless are the holy angels in heaven whose only duty is to praise Jesus and worship Him in the beauty of His holy name; His glaze throne is made of gold and every street of His kingdom is made of precious and incorruptible stones, but Jesus must put them off temporarily to answer this urgent call. Beloved, you can't wear yours forever, put it aside and let's save souls.
Before I bring this message to a halt, listen to the counsel of one of our elders in the race: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulteress, nor homosexual, nor sodomites...and such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." 1Corinthians.6:-911.
I encourage you today, if you are not born a saint, but are washed from your old sins, then Jesus asks me to tell you that the necessity is upon you to rise to the washing of those that need the same experience. I wish you all the best as you are heeding this clarion call in Jesus name.
God bless you. Good morning..


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