Saturday, 29 October 2016


In continuation of my admonition under the above heading, Naaman was a prominent man in the land of Syria. He was well respected by virtue of his position and active or effective impact on the land, as he often brought victory to his nation each time he led a battle. His prominent role has earned him the favour of the king so much that, there is nothing he asked from the king that he can ever withold from him, even when it requires going out of his sphere of dominion to get it. Every demand from Naaman is always regarded as urgent and pay a serious attention, more so when it has to do with his well being.
Nevertheless, there was a little Jewish girl who sparked a light and commanded the urgent action of a whole commander in chief, and brought two mighty kingdoms into alliance. She caused a power tremour and brought a whole kingdom under subjection to the obedience of the true living God by virtue of her little suggestion to remediate the ugly state of her master's health.
Age is not really a barrier when God is set to accomplish a mission or purpose, as long as He found an available and useable hand by which He could execute His mandate. Even though it was not clear to anyone why the men of Syria went on raid as at that time, and succeeded to capture that girl, because Israel is not a cheap territory to invade for anyone any how, not to talk of capturing their citizens. They place a very high value on their people and are security conscious, no wonder it was only that girl they were able to capture, and that because it involves divine arrangement.
There are many beautiful and mature ladies in Israel God could use to accomplish that purpose, but most of them are not available for God and suitable for what heaven want to do at that time. I'm convinced the parents of that girl would have blamed themselves for being too careless to let their daughter into the hands of the uncircumcized Syrians and blamed the seeming unfortunate trend on God, but while they see the situation as an unfortunate one, God was working out a wonder in that family. He wants to use their daughter to make a unique and unforgettable story in history both Israel and Syria, and have their daughter enlisted among the heroines of faith. May God help us to be sensitive to divine move!
Looking at that scenario, Naaman's leprosy was there as a means to bring the man and his kingdom to the knowledge of the true living God, and the girl as a medium by which God could reflect his glory in the land of Syria. No wonder the bible says, "God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us." Hebrew.11:40.
Some stigmas are just there in your life for God's glory, no more no less!
Jesus told His disciples, neither this man or his parent did sin that he was born blind, but that God's glory may be revealed in him. I pray for you today, every unfortunate situations in your life will become the next wonder the whole world will be waiting to see in Jesus name.
It has been appointed from inception that through someone in Israel Naaman's leprosy would be healed and the light of the gospel would come to Syria, but that little girl put her life in the line and yielded her neck into that purpose and God stood by her.
It is not easy for mere captive who did not know her fate to raise such a voice, but the presence and the Spirit of God in her did it. Naaman obliged to go by her counsel by virtue of the light of God they noticed in her, and the king too could not rest until divine mission was carried out, because God was involve.
It is quite unfortunate today, that many people are crying for God's blessing today, when God is crying over them for wasting divine opportunities that would have transformed their finances and afford them the blessing they are crying for if properly and prayerfully utilized.
Though it was not recorded, yet I'm convinced that, that girl wouldn't remain a waitress in Naaman's house after the incidence: it is either they restore her to Israel and to her parents with abundance of Syrian wealth accompanied or they change her office and become Naaman and the king's favourite.
Beloved, what are you doing with the currency of opportunity heaven is supplying you on daily basis? Have you reached to that boss in your office with the gospel of the kingdom? Did you ever pray to God to give you some clues about his/her immediate challenges so as to gain a better platform to minister to him? Do you really have any urge to minister to the weak and destitute in your neighbourhood? Or you said is none of your concern? Here is a little God who moved heaven on earth by reason of her godly counsel. Remember, he that shut his ears to the cry of the poor he too will and no one will regard!
Conclusively, where you are and what you have is a product of purpose, and it is better you find it before the consequence found you!
Remain blessed as you act on this word. Good morning

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