Sunday, 8 January 2017

You can't Outsmart God {4}

Without wasting much of the time, I'll continue from where I stopped hoping that the Lord is ministering into your heart...
Having seen the tragedy Elimelech brought into his home, going by the decision he made over a decade ago, what is now the reaction of Naomi, the only survival in the family of four to the latest dissaster?
"Then she arose with her daughters-in-law that she might return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited His people by giving them bread."vs.6
There is a mystery here I want you to pay attention to: when God punish His children, it isn't with an intention to totally destroy them. Whenever He allows Satan to afflict with suffering as a result of our dissobedience, it is not with a wicked motive, it is just the only way He can communicate with our erring hearts.
Man by nature doesn't appreciate anything that doesn't cost him much. He doesn't easily do the right thing, except the one that has had a genuine encounter with God.
The reason we have law enforcement agencies in our society is primarily to uphold law and order, and to enhance peace and safety of the general masses. People can tend to do otherwise if there are no such structures. Besides, there are corresponding penal sanctions acrue to every act of offences in order to instill fear and justice.
In the same vein, God use punishment to achieve His good desire for man to live godly and peaceably for his own good. It is therefore a grossly and costly mistake to opt out of God's good counsel in the face of difficulty. Though God dealt severely with the people of Bethlehem Judah, yet, He did not leave them absolutely in the condition. The moment He achieve His purpose of correcting their errors, and observing their genuine repentance, He revisited them, gave them bread, and open heaven over them for rain.
Another mystery that came up in that verse is that, God can move with a righteous man out of a whole nation that is ungodly; He can also because of a righteous man spear a whole nation from trouble.
God left Sodom and Gomorrah with lot and his two daughters and destroyed the land. He also left the earth with Noah, and his family and destroy the whole earth with water. He made a covenant never to destroy the earth again with water by virtue of the prayer of Noah.
In order to see the true picture of Elimelech misguided action, while God was in Bethlehem Judah to revisit His long abandoned children with the usual blessings they have long missed because of their evil conducts, Naomi, Elimelech's wife, the only survival in that family was at Moab hearing about the goodnews, She could not have a taste of it. People that could not wait on God and maintain their location would always miss allocation. They would always be on the disadvantage. May God help us to be stable in God's presence. Had God truely led them to Moab, they would have been the first person to be consented about the new move and be brought honourably to the land before anything would happen. But they were on their own.
"Oh Lord, please where are you in my confusing challenges? Please, remember mercy in your face and show me compassion, lead me back to your resting place for my life at the moment in Jesus name."
The greatest dissaster that can happen to a man is to be somewhere else apart from the confine of God's will for his life at a particular point in time; He is at best a prey and casuality in the hand of the devil.
Besides, the most dangerous man to follow is someone who responds to circumstances at the expense of God's clear voice. No circumstances can atone for the word from the mouth of the WORD OF LIFE-JESUS in any decision making or taking. HE said, I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye...(Psalm.32:8-11).
Notwithstanding, what this family suppose to do at the beginning of their mistake is what this woman now decided to do after Satan had almost finished them, She arose... This matter doesn't occur to me in the sense of rising from a sit and packing their loads to go. Already, there are forces that didn't allow them to take that step all these while, but she eventually remembered that their warfare are not canal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. However, She arose to prayer with her daughters-in-law; she arose to fasting and meditation in the word of God. She arose to watching every factors responsible for their misfortune over the years; she arose to consecration and purificatiòn from every entanglement of the devil in the strange land...she knew quite well that until you do all these, you are going be continued later...remain blessed.

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