Please, I beg of you to read this disturbing post by a concerned and fed up US citizen.
We run a site on Yahoo called Anti scammers. And we dealt with Nigerian scammers on there all day long, every single day. People told us that you would walk into a cafe in Nigeria and there would be 40 people sitting at computers, and 37 of them would be sitting there all day trying to steal from Americans. The number of Nigerians who are full-time Internet scammers would absolutely amaze you.
Also we were told that in Nigerian society, there was nothing wrong with being an Internet scammer. Internet scammers were heroes. In fact, they told us that most everyone was some sort of a criminal over there. You had to watch your back all the time because even your friends and lovers would try to rip you off if you turned your back.
Everyone in the government is a criminal and a thief . They finally found one guy who wasn’t a criminal (How did they find him?) and they were so shocked that he wasn’t a criminal that they put him in charge of the Nigerian Anti-fraud Unit. He had his hands full, but he hardly prosecuted any cases because the cops were all corrupt too and taking bribes, and they kept letting everyone off the hook. Also he couldn’t really go after any government people because he would have to lock up the whole government.
Anyway, the average people know that all the government is nothing but criminals, all the cops are crooks, and half the people on their block are crooks, so a lot of them just think, “Why shouldn’t I be a crook too?”
Scamming over there is not something a few people do. It’s a way of life practiced by 100,000’s or even millions of Nigerians. Basically the whole country runs on crime. There are so many criminals in Nigeria that there are too many for the country, so they are branching out and moving all over the world to set up shop in new countries where they start doing crimes. So now there are Nigerian crime gangs in most countries. The cops did inspections at the port in Nairobi once, and most of the ships coming in were loaded with stolen property. Plus a lot of the stuff that was legit would be ripped off at the dock or later on.
We dealt with countless Nigerian crooks all the time.
These “good Nigerians” kept trying to join the group, and we would not let them in. Finally we started letting them in. They were “concerned and wanted to fight the scammers.” We let them in, and they ruined the group. We had a lot of women in our group, and we had cam sessions all the time.
Every one of those Nigerian guys would get on cams with the women in our group and whip out their dicks right away and start jacking at the women. It really freaked out a lot of the women, and we had to ban a lot of them just for being perverts. Finally we found out that all the men were “wife scammers.” They were trying to scam a foreign wife from the West. It pretty much boiled down to pay me a lot of money to get me out of her and marry you.
We heard about a number of women who married Nigerians here in the US. All White women. They only marry White women. None of the men worked. They all lived off the women while the women worked. They stayed home all day and spent all day on the Net mostly chasing other women. They were all notorious cheaters, and they cheated on their wives constantly. They were always broke and always had their hands out. They were also very mean, cruel and controlling and, they would not allow the women any freedoms at all to do anything. In a number of cases, they set up shop here in the US, and they started running their usual scams again, this time from the US. All of these marriages failed and were disasters.
In addition to wife scamming, we caught a lot of the Nigerians engaging in other types of scamming. As soon as they got in the group, they started asking for money all the time for this, that and whatever. A lot of them started having “disasters,” home burned down, hospital bills, whatever.
Finally we threw almost all the Nigerians out of the group because frankly every single one that joined was either a scumbag or a criminal. This caused a big blowup in the group where we got accused of being “racist.” Then we got really racist, I mean like no kidding real deal discriminatory racist, and we made up a new group rule, “No Africans allowed in the group.” So we sort of hung up a Segregation Era Jim Crow sign in front of the group.
I went on some forums, and apparently almost 100% of the Nigerians who are on the Net buying stuff with credit cards are criminals. One online retailer said he had 10,000 credit card purchase attempts by Nigerians and I think all except one were with stolen cards. He said a lot of online retailers were turning Jim Crow and having “No Nigerians” and “No purchases by Nigerians allowed” policies. A lot of online retailers were blocking whole IP blocks out of Nigeria. They were banning the whole country from the site. Finally VISA and MasterCard both banned Nigeria and some other West African countries from using their cards because there was so much stolen credit card crime going on.
Nigerians and Gypsies, both, destroyed a number of Internet auction sites. The sites got taken over by Gypsies and Nigerians running fake auctions, and everyone else just left the site. They also got heavily involved in the online rentals business and seriously trashed that one too. And the banks started getting upset at them too because the Nigerians were getting into so many people’s accounts and draining them – the Nigerians would convince people to give them access to their accounts, and then the Nigerians would drain the accounts.
The scams that the Nigerians ran were widely varied and changed almost by the day. They were often quite clever, and it was easy to see how some good, trusting person could be sucked into one of these things.
Almost all of the dating sites, at least the free ones, have been destroyed by Nigerians. If you go onto one of those sites now, no real woman will ever contact you, but a bunch of really beautiful fake women will contact you saying all these wonderful things.
None of these are real women. Instead they are all Nigerian males using model pics and pretending to be women. The fake women befriend men, and then somehow the fake women get the men to send money to them. So the guys send money to the fake women for plane tickets or whatever. It turns out the woman doesn’t even exist, she’s just a fake.
There are also a vast number of fake men on there often preying on older, middle aged, lonely women who are often fat and not very pretty. These are good women looking for a good man. The Nigerians use pics of very good-looking men and then make profiles turning them into dream men with good jobs, kids, big houses and what not. They often shower the women with gifts like flowers, candy, etc. All of the gifts are paid with stolen credit cards. Somehow they get these women to send them money, and they steal however much they can steal.
Just about anything for sale on the Net out of West Africa is a scam. Just about any service offered on the Net out of West Africa is a scam.
I had so many bad experiences with these people that I am done with them. Not only that, but we let a bunch of Nigerian noncriminals into our group and 98% of them acted awful right away, wife-scamming, begging money, jerking off at the women, etc.
And those were the supposedly good, law-abiding citizens.
I have met a couple of Nigerian PA’s here in the US, both very bright. They were good people, but they both told me that their country was a shit hole. One guy invested in a medical clinic in Nigeria. He left the country for a year, and he went back and his partner had liquidated the place, torn it down, and ran off with hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I realize that a few Nigerians are good, but I have had enough bad experiences with these people for 50 lifetimes, and I don’t have the time to sort through 100 Nigerians to find 2-3 good ones. I have better things to do. Since my experience, I have been avoiding everyone from that land; in fact, I have been avoiding everyone from West Africa in general because I did some research and I found out that the countries around Nigeria are just about as bad as Nigeria.
I figure 50% of population of Nairobi wakes up every morning and thinks, “Who can I rip off today?”
As far as I am concerned, these people appear to be some sort of a criminal race . How they got that way I have no idea, but I am done with them for this lifetime.
= Robert Lindsay
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