"And the temple when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry,
"And the temple when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry, so that no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built." 1King.6:7.
It is quite undisputed today that Church or rather Christendom is generating more noise than every other religious institutions, I mean, there are a lot of controversial issues ensuing from the household of faith, ranging from doctrinal contravention, character and attitudinal compromise, desecration or profanation of sacred orders and lots more. And quite too unfortunate that such issues does not exclude the ministers who are expected to be an example of godly conducts and practices to the members of the church and the world at large.
Men have a lot to fear from a Christian brother and sister than an unbeliever today. Go to our political and public offices you will be surprise what Christianity has turned to be. They are the ones topping the list among treasury looters; bribery, lies, injustice, and several other corrupt adventures are the order of the day. Not only that, it is even more advisable, comfortable and reliable now to consult and confide in an herbalist than our gospel priests because of the overwhelming practices of fake or false divination.
It is a life tending adventure for Church of Christ to lead a peaceable life and reveal her light to the world. Unfortunately the hope of the world is dashing out incredibly and the glory of the church waning drastically.
Faith is the rarest commodity to find now withing the fold. I mean unquestionable and uncompromising godly stand befitting the bride of Christ is gradually setting on extinction, and the bride of Jesus is loosening fast from her hinges in the world. Church has now become a grooming center for hip hop and other classical musicians, pornographers and seductive beauty pageants are streaming from the church. World class dancers and comedians are actually a member of the church. The gifts and talents that are meant to propagate the gospel and pull sinners out of the horrible pit of hell, restore souls and establish the church have been seized upon to depopulate the kingdom of God, enrich our pockets and satisfy our lustful desire for the world and its glamor, when the church capitalizes more on it than the corresponding fruits of the spirit expected to accompany those gifts to enhance eternal value and earn its recipient an heavenly reward.
Strange fire of worldliness, materialism, entertainment and competition have taken over the correct fire of holiness, righteousness, purity, love and contentment expected to be burning on our altars. No wonder names like: Glory, David, Gift, Daniel, Paul, Grace, John, Faith, James, Deborah (Debby) top the list of gangsters and secular entertainers. The glory due unto God has been directed to the devil, and it now come back to us the question Jesus left the church with unanswered on His departure, if He would still find faith on earth when He comes back? To this end, church has not turn her laughter to mourning; her beautiful garment to sack cloth; her feasts to fasting, and her sweet sleep to vigil. We are still comfortable and find solace in Zion. May God forgive us.
Nevertheless, it is imperative we ask ourselves where the problem comes and what exactly is the relevant solution? It is upon this platform I will trust the Holy Spirit to grant us illumination and ignite a passion in us for the needed amendment.
Following the Scripture text employed for this piece of exhortation, it is clearly observed that there are key principles guiding everything God ordained or instituted and once the principle is missing, there wouldn't be desired result. The old testament has a reflection of events in the new, and if we can give room for the Holy Spirit intervention we will know that there are some issues reflected in the old testament that were interpreted in the new. Likewise, there are some questions in this dispensation that have been answered right in the old testament.
Permit me to recite the text for the sake of emphasis, "And the temple when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry, so that no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built."
More often, God referred to men as the temple of the living God, as many as would welcome Him, so I'm not talking in respect of physical building here. Besides, God told king David who was originally inspired for the assignment of building a temple for GOD before eventually executed by his son, Solomon, that He does not dwell in a mortal house. His dwelling place is the heart of man, in as much as it is sanctified.
Jesus also drew the attention of His disciples to the matter of dismantling the temple and rebuilding it in three days, a statement that raised controversy among the Jews and considered as blasphemy, whereas, He was talking about His death and resurrection within three days.
Another very pivotal injunction to this message is the clause, "...built with stone finished at the quarry..."
Quarry is the place where raw stones dug from the earth are being processed into shape and sizes by construction engineers usually for the purpose of meeting their construction targets using different kinds of mechanical instruments and machines. It is usually located in a remote environment far from the living area in order to avoid noise pollution and other environmental hazards.
Having established a brief or glimpse of what quarry entails, it is imperative to dig into the meaning of stone in relation to this writing.
Jesus referred to Peter as a stone and said, upon it His church shall be built and the gate of hell shall not prevail against it. Not only that, He Himself is the chief corner stone.
Scripture also used stone to qualify man when Jesus said, if this generation stop their praise of Him He will raise stones. Satan also attempted to tempt Jesus saying, if you are the son of God, command this stone that it become bread, aiming to turn Jesus into an exploiter of men and abuser of power (Matthew. 4:2-4). All of this instances described man and his nature as a symbol of stone in relation to biblical term and interpretation.
Another salient point worthy of note, in as much as man is referred to as stone, is the reproductive ability imbedded in him. Man has the power to produce its kind in large quantities from one generation to another. It is however a gross mistake and misappropriation of sacred order to enthrone a man who has not attended the quarry into the seat of a leader, irrespective of his area of leadership, or skip this process in appointing and allotting leadership responsibilities and functions.
God is the master builder of His temple but He use man as a physical medium to execute and accomplish His good purpose, while He order the process and means. The perfect instance of what this message focus or targets is the strategy Jesus employed in raising His disciples and fulfilling His mission to the world; He first called to Himself 12 ordinary men whom He groomed, or rather exhibit a discipleship relationship with until they conformed totally to His image and likeness. It was so obvious that even after Jesus had gone back to heaven, men who had a knowledge of His personality confirmed the same in His disciples thereby called them Christian. Jesus too did not commit any significant responsibility into their hands until there was inner witness of the Holy Spirit of their genuine conversion, commitment, and determination to follow Him.
Jesus took twelve stones into the quarry of His personal secret life of holiness, purity, love, Faithfulness, prayer, meditation, commitment, and selfless sacrifice until they were fashioned into His taste and desire. He craftily and cunningly work on them until they are relevant and fitted into the plan and purpose of God for their lives and destinies; until they are presentable and acceptable first to God, and to their world as a correct bride of the bridegroom, waiting to be espoused. Their replication of Christ was flawless and were able to multiply their influence upon the earth and produce their kind innumerably.
Consequent upon the aforementioned, do our leaders really have this quarry experience to impact in their members and influence their generation, following the current situation of the church and the world at large? Or perhaps we are loosing sight of it in delegating authority and duties? A deformed leader will inevitably produce a deformed follower, and your follower will determine to a large extent who you are. The bible says, by their fruits we shall know them. Not by their massive works or beautiful messages. Please let your experience with Christ goes beyond Sunday services and weekly meetings, following Him to the quarry of His plan for your life and career as the Spirit of the Lord leads is what will relieve you of wasted labor and make your life count for God and His kingdom. Jesus did not escape it, His disciples did not escape it, so you can't escape it as well if you must be relevant with God and have your purpose fulfilled on the surface of the earth.
May your life never remain the same as you are heeding the Counsel of the Lord. Every noise and pain frustrating your effort are put to silence from henceforth in Jesus name.
Good afternoon and God bless you.
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