Sunday, 1 January 2017

You can't out smart God

I'll be justifying the above topic with an extraction from the book of Ruth chapter one, and due to some salient lessons each verses of the scripture convey, I'll attempt to be taking them one after another as the message goes on. It is my prayer that your orientation will change after the message and your life will not remain the same in Jesus name.
"Now it came to pass, in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehem, Judah, went to dwell in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons." vs.1
Looking at the opening of that first verse, it was as if they have been on a matter for so long that they have to follow to a certain state and draw a conclusion to open a new chapter. God had been warning the leaders and elders of Bethlehem for so long against their ungodly lifestyle but every effort to call their attention and call them to order have not been yielding any formidable success, instead, things are still going worse. They have severe ties from God, including their priests and prophets so much that they are now dull of hearing. None of them seems to be sensitive to divine instruction because of their wicked ways. Many evil activities such as the princes using their power to shed innocent blood, children no longer respecting their parents, the strangers in their midst were been oppressed, there was no one to cater for the fatherless and the widow, the judges that would have bridge that gap and raise a voice for them were crook and hopeless everyone seeking their own pleasure, they despised the holy things and desecrate and profane the Sabbaths, protests and slandering works which ended in blood shed were the order of the day, sexual scandals was at an alarming rate in those days, bribery, extortionate, assassination, and the like rank the top among other socio-vises in those days; many false prophets who devoured people to accumulate wealth for themselves, seeing false visions and divining lies for them in the name of God were streaming out and occupied the land in those days until God could no longer bear with them except to lock heaven for the release of water upon them, as a new means of correcting their wrong doing and appealing to their erring hearts.
However there was now famine in the land, and as you know that, that is the direct result of no rain on a particular geopraphical location over a long period of time. Everyone started looking for a means of surviving; to pray to God is no longer an easy task, as they have abandoned that for so long; their sooth sayers, couple with their false priests and prophets could not safe themselves out of the ordeal, let alone of saving anyone else. Everyone was helpless, there was no one to seduce anymore, everyone was on the look out for neighbouring nations that still have their heavens open to hide themselves until the crisis is over.
Nevertheless, there was a man in that land as at that time I perceive was living in the fear of the Lord and few other minorities, and where the wicked is punished the righteous too do share in the punishment. Yet, there is an expectation from God over the righteous at a time like that which Elimelech seems to betrayed by his response to the menace: he failed to seek the counsel of the Lord.
The time of crises is not a time to join crowd to make a decision or start manoeuvring or manipulating ones way, the counsel of God is to call upon Him in the time of adversity and He will deliver you. It is now left for Him to determine the kind of deliverance He'd minister to you, because, already He knows the beginning and the end of what we are passing through, and the same time have the power to calm the storm, if provided He sees someone to stand in the gap.
How Elimelech would have stood in the gap and avert the ugly trend and pacify the hanger of God to their land He simply dashed out, together with his family and ran for his dear life and that of his family in search of pasture and safety.
His immigration attempt is not the problem here, after all, at a time like that Abraham, Isaac, and even Jacob migrated to another nation and there was no account of that becoming a sin or evil on them, but don't forget, all of them did it in aggreement with God's counsel or instruction, but who led Elimelech to Moab?It was the circumstances and his stomach not God!  No circumstances should be sufficient to atone for the clear voice of God in any decision making, if you would remain relevant in the plan and program of God for your life. be continued later... Stay blessed! Happy fulfilling year . 

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